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5 Tips to Strengthen Your Amazon Brand Presence

With the unprecedented growth of e-commerce throughout the years, it has become more important than ever for brands to have an online presence and make their products available to online consumers.  

Have no idea how to do that? Not sure where to start? Learn how to strengthen your brand presence on Amazon with these five steps. 

1. Register with Amazon Brand Registry 

Amazon Brand Registry is a program you can sign up that gives you greater control over your brand and product detail pages. More than 350,000 brands have already signed up for Amazon’s Brand Registry program.  

This service helps you validate your brand on Amazon and provides you with security against brand infringement and inaccurate content through easy-to-use reporting tools. 

It also helps you manage your brand’s product listings more efficiently, in turn, establishing better credibility and creating a better shopping experience for customers. 

2. Encourage Customer Reviews 

With Amazon shoppers, reviews are everything. Reviews that are highly rated tend to indicate that your product is of high quality, so it makes customers more likely to purchase it.  

Also, Amazon algorithms order their search results by ranking products that have a high rating. Having many positive reviews demonstrates to potential customers that you care about their experience. 

However, it can be pretty difficult to get reviews if you’re a new business on Amazon. You can try to incentivise new customers by giving away several of your products in return for an honest and fair review.  

Even adding a simple note thanking them for their order and asking for a review can help. It’s in your best interest to get as many positive reviews as you can. 

customers leaving reviews

3. Invest in quality product photos 

Having high-quality photos not only captures a visitor’s attention, but can also be the reason why you make or break a potential purchase. 

Good product photos tend to help you stand out from the rest and make your product that much more enticing to click on.  

As they say, first impressions matter and you shouldn’t skimp out on the product photos. Since many more similar product entries are added every day, yours should resonate with buyers and help them make the right decision. 

4. Try to sell unique products 

If you sell a wide variety of products, then try to focus on selling the more unique products in your inventory.  

Those unique products will give you an advantage over competitors, especially if you build up positive reviews from customers who have bought them. 

The beauty of selling unique products gives you the advantage of being one of the few sellers to sell the product and that could earn you the coveted buy box which will attract more customers to your brand. 

5. Sell your products internationally 

Amazon has 14 global marketplaces, and you can use its global scale to your advantage to sell to more customers all around the world. This will allow you to take advantage of peak sale and holiday periods so you can grow your business and revenue.  

It only takes a few mouse clicks to sign up and then you can start selling and shipping your products through Amazon Global Shipping. Selling internationally opens up your market to millions of customers!

Our final thoughts 

E-commerce is the new normal in this day and age. Consumers are always looking for the best brand to buy a specific product from. With Amazon being more competitive than ever, brands need to find new strategies to stay ahead.  

If you’re not sure how to implement those changes or need help, Floodmaker can help you strengthen your Amazon presence to make you more successful. Have a look at what we can do here

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