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5 Types of Marketing Emails to Promote Your Business

Email marketing uses email to promote your business or service. It’s a great from of direct communication that plays a variety of roles in your marketing strategy. Emails can be used to generate leads, build relationships with customers, encourage engagement between purchases and create brand awareness.  

Email has become such a popular marketing tool because it’s one of the most cost-effective methods available. According to the Direct Marketing Association email marketing brings in approximately $40 for every $1 spent.  

Email is a useful marketing tool!

Below are 5 emails you should be implementing into your marketing strategy and sending your subscribers today. 

  1. Welcome emails 

It’s essential to understand the importance of welcome emails, as they’re vital for guiding your subscribers to your online store. Compared to other email marketing campaigns, welcome emails generate 4x more opens and 5x more clicks. The average open rate for a welcome email is 50% which makes them far more effective than your standard newsletter.  

And the benefits don’t stop there. According to Invespcro, 74% of customers are expecting a welcome email after they subscribe to your list. So, make sure not to miss out on this key element of email marketing as subscribers engage 33% more with your brand if they receive a welcome email.  

Although, a welcome email can actually have disadvantages if you haven’t quite structured your email correctly.  When it comes to writing successful welcome emails you should aim to simply introduce your company and include a personal element. Make sure to avoid a sales pitch. Don’t introduce your service or a new product until you’ve built a relationship with your customer. 

Read Now: How to Optimise Your Landing Page for Better Engagement 

  1. Newsletters  

Newsletters, while not quite as impactful as the welcome email, do serve an important purpose. They’re a great way for keeping your brand at the forefront of your customers’ minds. With newsletters you can nurture your existing customers with feedback requests, product announcements and any news or events for your company. 

Make sure to send out your newsletters at regular intervals, as this creates anticipation in your readers. By sending out emails at regular times, whether that’s weekly or monthly, you build a habit in your readers to expect and read your content. This is great for getting your subscribers to recognise your brand and build positive associations if they regularly enjoy the content you send out.  

Email marketing can help your business grow!

Read Now: How to Write Compelling Email Newsletters  

  1. Dedicated emails 

Dedicated emails, or stand-alone emails, contain information for a singular offer. For example, a time sensitive discount or a brand-new product that your company is offering.  Unlike newsletters, dedicated emails are great for introducing a main call-to-action as there is one message and therefore one goal. 

However, dedicated emails are usually used to reach out to your entire subscriber list, which you shouldn’t do too often. You’ll see more results if you cater to your customers’ different needs and behaviours. But in the right instance, such as a soon to expire discount, a dedicated email is the perfect tool for creating a focused call-to-action. 

Read Now: How to Grow Your Email List (Using Content/ Inbound Marketing) 

  1. Lead nurturing emails 

Lead nurturing emails are the emails that make up your lead nurturing campaign. Which is an automated, personalised, email campaign that companies use to take their customers on a buyer’s journey. The aim is to provide your leads with useful information to gain their trust and encourage them to buy your product. So, if done successfully, you’ll meet the need that led a potential customer to your company in the first place. 

It’s important to create different types of promotional emails that cater to your customers’ needs, depending on which stage they’re at in the buyer’s journey. This will ensure you’re able to guide them the whole way to purchase and convert them into loyal customers for your brand. 

Read Now: The Importance of the Buyer’s Journey in Inbound Marketing 

  1. Reengagement emails 

Reengagement emails are what marketers use when a number of clients on your subscriber list have been inactive for an extended period of time. A reengagement email will re-establish contact and support with the customer. An effective method of achieving this is with a request for feedback. This will both bring your brand back into the awareness of the customer and provide new feedback for how your company can improve.  

The reason reengagement is so important for your marketing strategy is because acquiring a new customer is 5 times more expensive than retaining an existing customer. So, wherever possible, it’s vital to nurture and reengage the customers you already have.  

Of course, reengagement emails can also lead to your client unsubscribing, but this isn’t actually so bad as it’ll clean up your subscriber list and boost your email engagement rates. 

For further advice on how to effectively use email as a marketing tool, contact the team at Floodmaker here. 

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